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Marijuana, Oral Fluids and the Future of Workplace Drug Testing

  • 12 Aug 2021
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM


  • Active CTHRMA and National SHRM Member

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SPEAKER:  Bill Current, President and Founding Partner @ Current Consultant Group


As the legalization of marijuana continues to have a direct impact on workplaces across the country, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published guidelines for lab-based oral fluid drug testing (OFMG) on October 25, 2019. For many years urine testing has been considered by many to be a “gold standard” for drug testing. However, the OFMG now establishes a similar standard for oral fluid testing, which will likely motivate many HR professionals and employers to investigate how oral fluid testing compares to urine testing. This is particularly pertinent given that the legalization of marijuana in many states has created a new emphasis on recent-use detection in drug testing which SAMHSA believes may be more effectively accomplished with oral fluids.


Bill Current is the President and Founding Partner of the Current Consulting Group (CCG). Mr. Current is a 30-year veteran in the drug testing industry. He is the former Director of the Institute for a Drug-Free Workplace, Executive Director of the American Council for Drug Education, and Vice President of Consulting for Employee Information Services. Mr. Current is the author of 10 books on substance abuse-related issues and a regular presenter at conferences, seminars, workshops, and webinars. Mr. Current is widely considered one of the leading experts on drug testing and the drug testing industry. He founded the industry’s most comprehensive state law database subscription service at and helps conduct the annual Drug Testing Industry Survey, now in its 22nd year.


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